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Abstract Submission - No Session Check Version

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Some people have experienced problems with the main abstract submission page that usually involves the following complaint - "Every time I press the submit button a message appears saying that session choice one and two must be different. But they are different!" - this usually happens with older browsers such as Netscape 4.73 which do not handle java-script properly. Should you also be experiencing this problem then simply use this page instead of the other one. However you must make sure that you complete the form correctly as no checks are done on the validity of the information you enter but the final result is the same. Should you still have problems with abstract submission then please do not hesitate to email me at . Don't forget to make sure that session one and session two are different.


Personal Details Section

Please enter your personal details. Make sure that the Email address field is filled. This will allow you to later replace your abstract file with newer version should you so require. In addition make sure that the same password (anything that you will remember) is entered into both Password fields.
Email address
Postal address (prefered format: Molecular Sciences Institute, School of Chemistry, University of the Witwatersrand, PO WITS, 2050, Johannesburg, South Africa)
Telephone number (prefered format: +27-11-7176751)
Fax number (prefered format: +27-11-7176749)
Retype password

Presentation Details Section

Please enter details of your presentation.
Presentation type

Abstracts will be made available on the internet some time in the future. Should you prefer that this not be done with your abstract then please click on "No".

Choose the session in which you would like to present. In addition enter a second and third choice.
First session choice
Second session choice
Third session choice
Abstract authors (Use a semi-colon as a seperator with the presenting author designated with a * e.g.: Manuel Fernandes*; David Billing; Demi Levendis OR M. A. Fernandes*; D. Billing; D. C. Levendis)
Abstract title
Keywords (Use a semi-colon as a seperator e.g.: Polymorph; Solvate; Protein)
Abstract format
Abstract file


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